And we take the Holy Name of the Lord in vain

Under the pretence of serving the Most High, mankind today commit unpardonable transgressions against His Holy Name.

At every opportunity, we drag His Name into the mud in blind and reckless pursuit of our selfish goals. We hide under the banner of This Name to harm ourselves, our fellow men, and destroy our environment, causing great havoc in Creation, His beautiful Creation. We turn the earth to hell in hostile disregard of His Holy Will.

We call His Name whenever we want to commit fraud or tell lies. And woe betides that doubting Thomas who disbelieves us. This we do in gross disobedience of the admonition by Jesus Christ that our words must be yes or no, otherwise we draw from evil. The Lord Jesus Christ never taught us to turn His Father’s Name into a mere plaything, which we now carelessly utter at every imaginable and unimaginable occasion.

Jesus always referred to His Father as “Father.” He even taught His Disciples how to approach His Father in absolute purity and humility: “Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name…“ By this example, mankind were enjoined to revere the Holy Name of the Almighty as the highest, the holiest of all concepts in and outside Creation. His Name must be for us extraordinary.

If man needs to utter This Name at all, his innermost self must vibrate in purity. But sadly, disobedient children that we are, we have dragged This Name to the basest level in our arrogance and worthless earthly pursuits that we personify hypocrisy any time we mention the Lord’s Holy Name.

To Jesus, the Name of the Almighty, His Father is the most sublime of all concepts for all beings and human spirits that are permitted to wander through Creation. It is sad that we even swear falsely in This Name and shamelessly go about under the banner of this fraud to harm ourselves and our neighbours.

We never accord the Lord a fragment of the respect, honour, indeed reverence which we accord our earthly fathers. And yet we prattle about our belief in the supremacy of the Holy One Heavenly Father above all else.

When we approach our earthly fathers seeking favours, we do so on our knees demonstrating our utmost respect for mortal men, mere specks of dust. But when we seek the blessing of the Most High, the Immortal One, our Lord and Creator of all the universes and everything they contain, we do so with utter disrespect and contempt.

It is sad, very sad. We recklessly use His Name turning ourselves into modern day Pharisees while we fraudulently call Him to bear witness to evil. What a transgression.

And yet Christ admonished us to hallow the Name of His Father while the Second Commandment cautions us never to take the Name of the Lord in vain. This is really if we want to be saved from the collapsing Darkness, and ascend to Paradise, the abode of human spirits who have washed clean their garments by themselves.

Men jealously guard against any attempt to drag names of their earthly fathers in the mud. They quarrel bitterly and go to any length to safeguard the security of these earthly names. Never would you see a child address his earthly father by name whether or not the father is around. Neither would he tolerate any of his acquaintances toy with this earthly name, which he protects at all cost, even at the cost of severing relationship with “disrespectful” friends and relations.

When we can do all these to prevent the dishonouring or belittling of earthly names, are we then not justified to do more in the protection of That which is Immortal and Holy from any transgression?

Observe men today in our conversations and you would shudder at the number of time the Name of the Most High is dishonestly called to seal up scheming, intrigues and conspiracies, endeavours which are all hostile to the Light.

Every child today is an expert in committing the vilest transgression against the Lord’s Holy Name, an evil habit which he inherits from his parents..

Where then lies the hope of salvation for mankind? The earth as it is today is the dominion of Darkness. But mercifully, the earth, as the entire Creation, is now being purified of this stench in the intensifying pressure of the Light as the Great World Judgment rages.

If we are not to perish with the collapsing Darkness, we must drop our wrong old, embrace the new with our whole being and truly submit to the Loving Will of the Almighty.

This Will is encapsulated in The Ten Commandments which were passed unto us through Moses. Not only was this Will lovingly explained to us by Jesus Christ throughout His entire Mission and Sojourn on earth, He encoded It in The Lord’s Prayer in a way that we could easily grasp. And They are now richly explained in the new Revelation of Knowledge Which is now on the face of the earth.

More than ever before in the history of mankind, now we must seek the true Word of the Lord. We must seek to understand This Word aright and strive with our whole being to live in accordance with This Holy Word.

Banji Ayoola

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I am just a simple human being who wishes to recognize further the Will of the Lord and serve fellow human beings strictly in accordance with This. By profession, I am a journalist and I am striving to use the human word partly to actualize this volition. To spread honey, true joy and peace across frontiers and build bridges of love linking all human beings everywhere on earth into a single family united in the volition to make the Earth a Paradise swinging radiantly in the Supreme Holy Will of God.

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