Nigerians, why should we hate one another?

Love. O if we can love, truly love!

We would warmly embrace one another as brothers and sisters from the same spiritual source, mercifully permitted to experience peacefully together in the same part of the wonderful Creation of the Lord, in this great country Nigeria, giving joy to one another, and to the Glory of the Lord.

We would all live in peace and harmony. To enjoy together the great abundance with which the Good Lord lavishes us; the milk and honey flowing richly across this blessed fatherland of ours.

We would live truly for one another, caring genuinely for one another, willing to serve the other joyfully and doing everything to make one another happy, truly happy. We would live in bliss.

Though tribes and tongues may differ, yet we belong to the same spiritual stock, to the same spiritual family. We would see that these differences are tonic for our relationships which, exploited aright, result in beauty at the end.

And when again we consider the mercy of reincarnation granted all human beings by the Most High, we will in humility see that it is pointless attacking one another on the basis of linguistic, ethnic, religious or whatever differences.

For in truth, many Nigerians, who today are born as Yoruba speaking human beings, could have once or several times in their former earth lives been Tiv, or Ijaw, Itshekiri, Kanuri, Efik, Nupe, Ibiobio, or any other of our country Nigeria’s over 250 ethnic groups.

Also, those who are Christians, or Jews, or Buddists today could have professed any other religion in their former earth lives, and vice versa.

If we avail ourselves of the wonderful, living Knowledge newly revealed to mankind, we will see that all Nigerians today, as well as all other human beings on earth, have lived on earth several times before now. That we are not here for the first time.

In fact, we are all here out of the Great Love of the Lord to continue our development as human beings in His wonderful Creation, into which is woven the Supreme Laws expressing the Holy Will of God. Which we must honour at all cost.

That we are bonded together today in the political entity called Nigeria, has a reason, which is underscored by love.

Indeed, those who are daggers drawn against one another today within our country Nigeria, could have been close relatives in former earth lives.

Still they could still be permitted in the unfathomable Wisdom of the Lord, to come back as blood relatives.

It is unimaginable that blood relatives would draw daggers against one another whatever their differences. Usually they resolve these around a table behind closed doors.

So why should we hate one another!

Banji Ayoola


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I am just a simple human being who wishes to recognize further the Will of the Lord and serve fellow human beings strictly in accordance with This. By profession, I am a journalist and I am striving to use the human word partly to actualize this volition. To spread honey, true joy and peace across frontiers and build bridges of love linking all human beings everywhere on earth into a single family united in the volition to make the Earth a Paradise swinging radiantly in the Supreme Holy Will of God.

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