Tribute to all my Muslim Friends

My Muslim friends Engnr Dele Akintola and Afiz Olasumbo Alimi had promised to keep for me my own share of the ram meat eaten during the Celebration of Eid-l-Kabir, ‘eran agbo’ Ileya.’

They had replied in response to my hearty felicitation with them and all my Muslim friends in celebration.

They thus awakened in me the sweet memories of my childhood days spent together with Afiz and other childhood friends in usual eruptions of Joy.

Thanks, Egbon Ahmed, Thanks, Afiz. I will eat the agbo meat with relish! With nostalgic feelings of how we children irrespective of the religions our parents professed, at home in Kuta in those days, used to joyfully join our celebrating friends during festivities.

During Odun Ileya, Odun Itunu Aawe, Christmas and New Year Eve celebrations. Holding hands together, carrying torches of Joy, singing and dancing merrily, dressed in festive attires donning ‘bentigoo’ with ‘betiku’, we would joyfully visit homes as we ‘kiri Odun’ around the town.

Our elderly hosts and hostesses irrespective of their religions, with their outstretched warm hands, with their eyes shining in Joy, would gladly receive us into their festive homes. They would treat us like Kings and Queens. They would reciprocally splash us with gifts and money after entertaining us with special delicacies. They would pray for us and bless us.

And we would be buying ‘tirebo olodo ati onigunmerin’, sweets and other ‘ipapanu’ and ‘imomoran’.

We were all free with one another. We were all free and happy whichever home we entered.

We ate, drank and played freely anywhere. We did everything freely happily together. Without any discrimination.

It was so joyful!

O Afiz! I am sure you remember those happy days too!

Banji Ayoola

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I am just a simple human being who wishes to recognize further the Will of the Lord and serve fellow human beings strictly in accordance with This. By profession, I am a journalist and I am striving to use the human word partly to actualize this volition. To spread honey, true joy and peace across frontiers and build bridges of love linking all human beings everywhere on earth into a single family united in the volition to make the Earth a Paradise swinging radiantly in the Supreme Holy Will of God.

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