We sever the connection!

From good volition to being bound! To being overwhelmed by dark influences and dragged away! Far away from all that is pure! Far away from the Light!

From genuinely wanting to give, help and serve, to being trapped, encircled, entwined, overpowered and engulfed by hostile, alien forces!

To being reduced to a mere lifeless puppet bendable to all alien influences, serially tossed here and there, rubbished and humiliated!

To being estranged from ourselves, ensnared by purely earthly matters and even by the Darkness!

We cut this connection!

Banji Ayoola

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I am just a simple human being who wishes to recognize further the Will of the Lord and serve fellow human beings strictly in accordance with This. By profession, I am a journalist and I am striving to use the human word partly to actualize this volition. To spread honey, true joy and peace across frontiers and build bridges of love linking all human beings everywhere on earth into a single family united in the volition to make the Earth a Paradise swinging radiantly in the Supreme Holy Will of God.

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