The Inexhaustible Source from Which I draw

In humble gratitude, I hereby acknowledge the uniquely rich inexhaustible Source from which I draw!

The Source from which any other human being can similarly draw and even better than me or any other drawer.

The Source which has for many years been the basis of my life. Which I had been seeking for long. And for Which I will eternally be grateful for being granted the privilege of coming across in this earth-life! After many failures! After many errors!

This Great Work is: In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin.

In the Light of Truth – The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin, is the new rich source of true knowledge for the human being who is seriously seeking the Truth. This special Work which answers all questions that move man, and thus sheds light on all unsolved problems of human existence, is both the food and drink that will satisfy the hunger and thirst of any true and earnest seeker; and give him or her much more.

With uncommon lucidity, It clarifies most convincingly, all the questions which have been unanswered, glossed over, brushed aside or parried; and everything that have been mystified, distorted, suppressed or hidden from mankind over the years, over several generations. It affirms that Creation is governed by certain incontrovertible, incorruptible Laws of God which are interwoven, accurate and consistent down to the minutest or finest details; and explains their outworking, particularly how every human being is connected with them through his or her volition; and how this volition principally determines his or her fate.

The unusual illumination provided by this Work encompasses the meaning of life and man’s purpose of existence or main task on earth.

Containing 168 lectures, The Grail Message, in a refreshing manner that is exclusively Its own, opens the entire Creation and reveals much more to the objective and earnest reader or listener, grips and shakes him to the core, strengthens him anew and makes him a different, happier person.

Some of these lectures are: What seek ye?; The Antichrist; Ascent; The Star of Bethlehem; All that is dead in Creation shall be awakened, so that it may pass judgement upon itself!; The Kingdom of a Thousand Years; The Great Comet; Salvation! Redemption!; The Language of the Lord; The creation of man; God; The Redeemer; The mystery of birth; Is occult training advisable?; Does sexual continence further spiritual development?; Watch and pray!; Marriage; Prayer ;The Lord’s Prayer; The Worship of God; Man and his free will; Death; Miracles; Baptism; The Holy Grail; The mystery of Lucifer; Spirit.

Others are: I am the Lord thy God!; The immaculate conception and the birth of the Son of God; The crucifixion of the Son of God and the Lord’s Supper; Come down from the cross!; This is My Body! This is My Blood!; The resurrection of Christ’s physical body; The Son of Man; I am the Resurrection and the Life, no man cometh to the Father but by Me!; What must a man do to enter the Kingdom of God?; Thou beholdest the mote that is in thy brother’s eye and considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye!.

They also include: The outpouring of the Holy Spirit; Sex; Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!; Is old age an obstacle to spiritual ascent?; Servants of God; The child; Woman and her vocation; Christ said…!; The physical body; Behold man, how you should wander through this Creation so that threads of fate will not hinder but further your ascent!; It is finished!; The recognition of God; The name; Woman and man; Threads of Light above you!; The Primordial Queen; Shun the Pharisees!; Ask and it shall be given unto you!; Let there be Light!; Christmas; Do not fall in temptation; The weak sex.

In the foreword to this Work, which is entitled: For your guidance! , the author, Abd-ru-shin writes:
“The bandage falls, and belief becomes conviction. Liberation and redemption lie only in conviction!

“I am addressing earnest seekers only. They must be able and willing to examine this objective matter objectively! Religious fanatics and irresponsible enthusiasts may hold aloof, for they are detrimental to the Truth. As for the malevolent and non-objective, they shall find their sentence in the very words.

“The Message will strike only those who still carry within them a spark of truth, and the yearning to be true human beings. To all such it will become the shining light and staff. It will lead them unswervingly out of all the chaos of the present-day confusion.

“The following Word does not bring a new religion, but is intended as the torch to help all serious listeners or readers find the right path, which leads them to the longed-for height.

“Only he who bestirs himself can advance spiritually. The fool who uses extraneous aids for this, in the form of the ready-made opinions of others, walks his path only as if on crutches, while ignoring his own healthy limbs.

“But the moment he boldly uses all the abilities which lie dormant within him awaiting his call, to help in his ascent, he is employing the talent entrusted to him in accordance with his Creator’s Will, and will easily overcome all obstacles that seek to divert him.

“Therefore awake! Genuine faith lies only in conviction, and conviction arises solely through an inflexible weighing and examining! See to it that you stand truly alive in the wonderful Creation of your God!”

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I am just a simple human being who wishes to recognize further the Will of the Lord and serve fellow human beings strictly in accordance with This. By profession, I am a journalist and I am striving to use the human word partly to actualize this volition. To spread honey, true joy and peace across frontiers and build bridges of love linking all human beings everywhere on earth into a single family united in the volition to make the Earth a Paradise swinging radiantly in the Supreme Holy Will of God.

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